Are you curious about your life purpose and how to hear the calling of your soul?

I help conscious seeking people who are curious about their life purpose and are ready to take the next steps to fulfil it. I am a High Sensory Clairvoyant Coach and healer with an ability to sense your life purpose and align you energetically with your soul and life flow, identifying and showing your path. The outcome is to give you a profound awakening to your inner wisdom with free flowing energy, able to thrive in harmony with your surroundings.

What Others are Saying

  • The Soul Untangled

    “In my moments of uncertainty, I have found in Berit an assertive support that does not crumble me. It is empowering support that gets me into my body and tap into my inner resource, finding stillness or embracing conflict. This to me, is an admirable quality for a space holder. Over the last year, on grey days, I have leaned on Berit's guidance that comes through in ways that can only be experienced, no words can do justice to the value offered during a session. She carefully aligns her intuitive abilities, heart's synchronicities, visions, body sensations to guide from a unified field of knowing and healing. ”

    Healing Facilitator & Breathwork Practitioner

  • The Soul Untangled

    “Berit has been a fully embodied support to my personal journey.
    She has a gift for inviting the inner child in me to come out and play .
    Through her down to earth approach, she has given me confidence to be in my body and allow my truth to emerge .
    She has the tools to harness the steep climb through our resistance and see more clearly.”

  • The Soul Untangled

    “My session with Berit was relaxed from the start, which enabled me to connect with her deeply instantly. We looked at parts of me that were ready to let go of and see the connections clearly through metaphors and visuals. The session was easy and I felt lighthearted and happy.”

  • The Soul Untangled

    “Thank you for helping me to process something so deeply felt. I have much more ground and strength around it now. It feels more integrated into my life and work and I’m not questioning my place, instead I’m able to see I’m not alone but I too have a big part to play.”


The Outcome

By living in alignment with your natural flow of life, you are energised by your everyday activities and relations to others.

Connect to Inner Nature

Connect to your inner landscape and allow a natural flow of energy on the inside.

Connect to Outer Nature

Allow for your natural inner flow of energy to flow to the outer world.


When your natural inner flow is expressed in the outer world, you will thrive and be able to support others in thriving as well.

Assess the Energy

Together we tune in to identify and bring loving awareness to the energy state and flow. 

Tune In

Use mindful presence to tune into the now.


Identify where in your inner or outer world there is an opportunity for a more free flow of energy.

Loving awareness

We bring loving awareness to the area and hold it, just the way it is.


Begin with the breath to tune into energy flows​.


Allow the energy of emotions and sensations to move naturally with the breath.


Open to what the flowing energies bring to you; open for a freer flow.

➤ See Possibilities

See what new paths the energy creates when it’s allowed to flow freely; allow the possibilities to energize you and bring you joy.

The Soul Untangled Podcast-6

The Soul Untangled Podcast

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The Soul Untangled Podcast-5
Skærmbillede 2022-01-21 kl. 20.05.31

Clairvoyant Energy Specialist Coach, Facilitator and Speaker

Berit Skjernaa

Creator of The Soul Untangled

I use my intuitive gift of feeling into the state of your energetic system and the opportunities for a deeper alignment with your soul and life purpose. This often leads to humorous but always respectful  picturesque metaphors that evolves throughout the session, when we use breath, movement and maybe music to allow for a freer flow of energy. Finally, we find a way to integrate the new possibility in your current life, in a way that fits you and makes you thrive.